That look on a
hungry shopper’s face.

With an extensive background in the Service and Fast Food industries, RangUp’s founders knew inefficient phone payments were more than a nuisance. They struck at the heart of the business.

Each day, they’d see in-store customers watching helplessly as the team finished up phone orders. Or phone lines would tie up while callers went to find and dictate their credit card info.

What if phone customers could input their own payment information, while associates took the next order?

RangUp does exactly that. And to ensure it’s a win for business owners and customers alike, RangUp is designed with three guiding principles:

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With a super-clean UX, customers from the Greatest Generation on down can pay with ease, trust and delight. 

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From global airlines to local pharmacies, our nimble API can align with any business that takes phone payments. 

stripe payment link generator


We’re powered by Stripe and are fitted to plug into every major POS. 

That glint in a happy shopper’s eye…

Our founders didn’t enjoy losing out on sales they could easily earn. You probably don’t either.

With RangUp, users around the world are seeing increased sales and happier faces everywhere they turn.

Your turn?